Sunday, October 28, 2012

Satan's Subtle War on Men - Destruction of the Family

It's just harmless entertainment, right? ...

I took my son to the doctor's office this morning (ear infection), and while in the waiting room, the television was on a Disney channel. I rarely watch television these last few years, but the show on Disney caught my attention. I don't remember the name of the show, but it involved a family: father, mother, two teenagers (male and female), a 3-5 year old girl, and an infant boy. I couldn't help but notice that the father appeared to have the lowest level of intelligence, even when compared to the young children. All of his answers were deemed ridiculous by the wife and teenage kids. Most of his actions were "childish." The teenage daughter answered most questions with sarcasm and cynicism.
In all honesty, it really saddened me to realize that many kids are growing up watching shows like that one. Fathers appear to lack intelligence, and the joke is on "dad" because he just doesn't have t
he intelligence that the wife or the teenagers have. How very sad. This form of entertainment works against God's plan for men and for families. The husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church. The father is to train up his children in the way they are to go so that when they are old, they will not depart from God.
There was a time when the father was revered in the family and his position was deemed one of stability. I hope to teach my boys how important their dad is to them and to me. I hope to teach them that daddies always pray. I hope to teach them that respecting their dad is of utmost importance, for if they cannot respect their dad, they will most likely initially struggle in their relationship with their Father, God.
Satan will use anything to destroy Godly foundations. I have observed Satan strike the family using many techniques, but at the top of the list, he has sought to destroy the important role of a man as a follower of Christ, a husband, and a father.
May God help us to see through the world's deceptive ways.

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