Thursday, October 11, 2012

God Still Heals!

These Events Occurred In August 2011 Through November 2011 & Were Typed in November 2011
       A uterine hemorrhage, placenta previa, and cyst on my baby's brain -- God has healed ALL of these one by one as only He could. When I first discovered that I was pregnant at the beginning of July, I decided not to go to the doctor right away but, instead, to be patient and wait. Since I had experienced two miscarriages earlier in the year, I wanted to spend the first several weeks in prayer and
in patience. When I did feel like it was time to go, I was 9 weeks pregnant - in August. I distinctly remember sitting on the couch, not really thinking about anything in particular, when in that still, small, and unmistakable voice, I heard God speak to me: He said, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." At the time, I wholeheartedly thanked Him for His message to me. I, however, had no idea until later in the day why He had spoken those words to me.
      Hours later I sat in the ultrasound chair as I watched my baby's precious arms and legs move on the screen -- at nine weeks. I was soon informed that I had a hemorrhage in my uterus and that it was something the doctor would watch closely. It was in that moment that I knew why God had spoken to me earlier in the day. He knew I would hear those words long before I did; He knew that, in the past, I would have frozen in fear; but He also knew that He had spent the last 3 years rebuilding me into a new creature. So I did what He had taught me to do - I walked in faith -- handing all of it to Him to heal me and to teach me. Two weeks later, I watched the screen as the ultrasound tech searched for the hemorrhage, and all glory to God -- it was gone. I weep like a child when I praise Him for His mighty works in my life and for His gentle peace that washed over me then and now.
     I was faced with another trial when the ultrasound technician explained that my placenta was in the wrong location and that the doctor would watch this closely. Again, I trusted in the Lord as He told me several weeks before. Two weeks later, the ultrasound tech informed me that my placenta had moved to the right/safe location. All praises to my Lord again!
     Four weeks ago, another trial presented itself to me. Again, I was told during an ultrasound that my precious boy had a cyst on his brain. I felt overwhelming peace and trust in the Lord while at the doctor's office. I just knew God would use it for His glory and for building faith - not only mine, but my husband's. Although later that evening, the Enemy, Satan, attacked me with colossal flaming darts, my husband and I put on the "whole armour of God" as we are told to do in Ephesians 6. There is a peace that only God can give -- it passes all understanding. It is nothing close to the peace the world attempts to mimic. God's peace surpasses all that is human.
     Yesterday, I found myself watching my precious boy's image on the screen as the technician searched for the cyst. Again, I must praise my God for removing the cyst. The devil had tried his best to destroy my hope throughout the day yesterday. Because he has reared his evil face to me so many times these last years, I knew - through God's teaching - what the devil was trying to do. I knew a miracle was right around the corner; otherwise, Satan wouldn't have been fighting me as much. And right on time, the miracle came, and Satan fled. Although Satan tries to be a domineering and intimidating force, he flees at the name of JESUS! God's children must never forget what we are told in Luke 10:19 - Jesus states, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

This is my youngest son at 19 weeks.

He is 5 months here.
Please know that no matter your situation, God is always there and wants you to call out to Him.


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