Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Storm

This is a picture of a bush in my yard. This morning, I spent a little time thinking about this bush, covered in snow.  The weight of the snow appears to be crushing it.  There doesn’t appear to be any escape from the elements:  the frigid temperatures and the snow that continually falls burden this small bush relentlessly.  How will it endure such weight?  How will it endure such extreme temperatures?  The truth is - this bush cannot survive based on what is visual to the eye.  The branches can’t thrive alone. 

 Alone, these branches do not stand a chance against the inclement weather … UNLESS it has roots that are deeply embedded within the earth.  This is true for all of us.  If we are not deeply rooted in Christ, the snow storms of life will cripple us and will cause us to break under the pressures of sadness, sickness, depression, fear, anger, hate, jealousy, financial hardship, dangers of the unknown, and on and on.  Only IN Christ can we brave the snowstorms of life. 

I am confident that this bush will again stretch forth its branches because it is rooted in what brings stability: the earth.  Without being deeply rooted in the earth, it does not stand a chance.  It would wither under such harsh conditions.  This is true for us as well.  Jesus is our stability, and IN Him we are safe.

 Things for us to consider when examining ourselves:

Am I deeply rooted in Christ?
When the pain of this world weighs me down, do I call out to Jesus?
Is He the One I turn to when tragedy strikes?
Is He the One I glorify when all is well?
Is He the One I glorify when all is not well?
Do I spend time in His Word seeking His Truth?
Is my heart open to Him when He attempts to direct my steps?
Do I listen when He says, “Change your ways”?
Do I repent (change my mind) when He shows me I have done wrong?
Do I long to serve Him and only Him?
Do I bring Him glory in the words I use and the actions I perform?
Would I need to hide things in my home if He were to come in for a visit?
When He knocks, do I answer?

Only IN Christ Jesus can we survive the storm.  Root yourselves IN Him through faith and obedience.

May all be blessed by the truth that is IN Christ.  These snowstorms are being used to draw us to Him.  What path will you take?  Only one path leads to life.

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