Saturday, January 24, 2015

"There Is No God . . . ,"

says Satan.

For those of you who are facing tremendous battles in your lives right now: Pray and Pray and Pray until the Lord speaks!  He will direct your steps.

A Testimony:

Six years ago,  I sat on my couch at the end of my rope.  The darkest time of my life had engulfed me.  My mind was under attack and insanity awaited at the door.  I use the word insanity in the most serious and precise way.  Battles that I never knew could exist in a person’s mind were raging in mine.  For months, I had been crying out to JESUS.  Over and over and over - yet deliverance had not come…

Satan breathed his breath of evil over me in so many ways during that time, but his last attempt at killing me was this:  
“There is no God.  There is no God.”

I cried out that much more!  “Help me, Lord!”

One day, I sat on my couch defeated.  I was broken.  And I thought all was lost, for life was not worth living without God.  There was one day in particular where Satan's whispers were wounding me, deafening me, seemingly destroying me.  All I wanted was to hear the Shepherd's voice.  That was all I needed to breathe and to live.

I sat on my couch and noticed a crumbled up sticker no more than an inch large on my floor.  I picked it up and saw that it was a turtle.  Although this may sound like a simple thought, the utter dejection behind my thoughts were suffocating me.  I held the turtle sticker and thought, "If I were any animal, I would be a turtle because no one hears the turtle's voice."  I said this because again, all I wanted was the Lord to speak so that I would know to follow His voice because the demon Satan's voice had been so loud and so despicable that I just wanted to hear the Truth speak instead of the liar.

I rose up from the couch, not thinking anymore about the sticker or my passing thought about being the silent turtle whose voice is not heard.  I walked outside and sat near a tree in my yard.  So broken.  After only a few moments, something other than myself moved my legs across the yard and back into my house.  I was ultimately brought back to the couch, where very robotically, I opened the Bible to a book I had never read before that moment.  

Song of Solomon.

My eyes began reading at chapter one, and without any control on my part, I started weeping the most uncontrollable tears of joy.  All the while, I had no idea why, but something kept urging me to continue my reading.  I found myself laughing while I read and read and then... all became clear when I read chapter 2 verse 12:

"the voice of the turtle is heard in our land."   (KJV)

My Shepherd had spoken!  He HAD heard my cries - my broken voice was heard in His land.  I weep even now years later; Oh, how I love Him!  Satan shriveled up and departed for a season.  

Just a few days before this event, a person called me and said that God had told her to tell me that I needed to purchase a KJV Bible.  I had been using another version.  It wasn't until a few years later that I opened up the NKJV I had previously used to the same verse.  I saw that the single word of the turtle was not phrased in the same manner in that version.  My, how God works!   He had heard me and knew the precise moment He would reveal Himself to me!

The same day that the Lord let me know He heard my voice, I called my sister with the news, for she had been such a sister in Christ to me during this time.  She would call me at all hours of the day during that year of torment to check on me and to speak God's Truth to me when the devil made every attempt to distort it.  Oh, the number of times she prayed mighty prayers rebuking that evil serpent while I wept on the phone line listening to her fight for me using the power of God!  I can recall a time when I was being brutally assaulted by Satan.  I knelt in my son's dark bedroom and begged my Lord to speak to me.  In that moment, the phone rang, and I heard my sister say, "I was washing dishes, and the Lord said, 'Call Joy.' "  And she obeyed the Shepherd's voice.  These are times of beauty.  These are times of the true body of Christ rising up and standing for one another.  

Again, that same day I called her telling her about the turtle sticker, and she interrupted me, "Joy, I have tell you something."  I said, "No, you have to hear the end of the story."  After I finished my story, she then shared hers.  She had spent most of the day working with a severely handicapped student - a five year old in a wheelchair, blind, and almost deaf.  She said that the little girl rarely spoke to anyone - even her family, but she went on to say that day was different.  

She stated that around 11:00 a.m., the little girl inexplicably began saying repeatedly, "Turtle, turtle, turtle."  Everyone was at a loss as to why she continued saying that.  

My sister said she now realized why she was saying TURTLE over and over again.  That little girl began saying "turtle" at the same time my Lord had shown me that He heard my voice.  


If YOU are going through something and God has not spoken yet, DON’T GIVE UP!  No matter how many times Satan attempts to convince you that there is no God and that you should just give up, WAIT ON THE LORD!   He will speak, and He will respond at the precise time.  

Monday, January 19, 2015

Eagles - A Matter of Survival - UPDATED

Yesterday Afternoon - 
 I listened to a preacher sharing the example of how an eagle cares for its young.   There were no Bible verses used in the illustration - just the illustration alone.  Yet, there was something in the teaching that resonated in my spirit as I heard him describe how the eagle doesn't allow the young in the nest to be too comfortable within the nest because the nest is not where the eaglets are to remain   . . .  He went on to say that if you are comfortable in this world - you will conform to this world. The Lord won't allow those who follow Him to find a comfortable rest or abode "in the world."  When an eagle is trying to teach its eaglets to fly, the eagle won't allow the eaglets to rest for long periods in the nest.  The eagle will stir up that nest in order to encourage the eaglets to fly.  The stirring up of the nest, pushes the eaglets out. The eagle will push the eaglet out, and the eaglet will fall, but the eagle will swoop under the baby eagle in order to catch it if it will not yet fly.  The eagle will continue to do that until the eaglets learn how to fly.  If the eagle makes a comfortable place for the eaglets, then the eaglets won't be as inclined to fly.  "What you don't use, you lose.  If you don't start flapping your wings and flying, you're never going to be able to fend for yourself."

After listening to this example, I moved on with my day, not thinking again about the eagle...

This Morning - 
I turned the lights off in my room at work, Bible in hand, and prayed to my Lord for His help on a matter.  I had to hear from Him.  Not others.  Not me.  But Him.  It is a matter that means more to me than life.  My Prayer Centered Upon Being Led of Him.  Over the years, I have been exposed to a great deal of that which is false in the church (or what professes to be the church).  My prayer directly related to that again.  Trying spirits...  How many anguished moments have I spent in prayer trying spirits...  Yet, Jesus has always proven faithful and has distinguished between the real and the false.  I tell you that it is only in His presence that I can truly exhale.  I owe every step of the remainder of my life to Him.  So this morning, in a dark room, I opened my heart to Him and asked Him to help me.

This Afternoon - 
Just a few hours after my prayer, the Lord - as only He can - answered not only my prayer but used the very same symbol of the eagle teaching and protecting its young.  I tell you that God amazes me.  He is ALIVE - and intercedes when we seek Him in Spirit and in Truth.

I had forgotten the example of the eagle from the day before; in fact, I had not given the example a second thought since hearing it . . . but God surely had -  He who orchestrates all.

The Lord, in an unmistakable way, allowed certain events to unfold this morning and this afternoon that brought me to a few verses.   The way He led me to the verses below were so remarkable that when I read them, I thought who is the magnificent Maker of the Universe that has given the people a book that is ALIVE . . . His Word is alive.  Thoughts of eagles never entered my mind today, so when the Lord intricately led me to these verses
 (that I wasn't even aware existed in the Bible), . . .  I exhaled.  

The presence of the Almighty brought me to a place of rest.    

"As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:  (Deuteronomy 32: 11)
So the Lord alone did lead him (Jacob), and there was no strange god with him.  (Deuteronomy 32: 12).
He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock;" (Deuteronomy 32: 13).

Through years of seeking the Lord and trying the spirits, God has truly remained faithful to my genuine cries for Truth.  He has revealed time and again who He is and who He is not.  He has revealed that which is true in the church and that which is false in the church.  He has not faltered in revealing Himself to me during these intense times of calling out to Him.  He has not ever said, "How dare you seek the Truth!"  No... we have been taught by so many that testing the spirits is dangerous.  The Word tells us to try the spirits.  The Word knows that false will enter the sanctuary and can defile and distort those in the sanctuary ... if those in the sanctuary permit it. . . . .  Have not Jeremiah and Ezekiel spoken of such things? Does Paul not admonish the brethren to "Be not deceived"?

We must move away from the fear man places in us.  I've seen that spirit in action so often over the years.  The spirit that attempts to stifle an honest heart that simply seeks the Truth.  I can recall hearing that spirit misuse verses from the Bible solely for that spirit's gain: "Touch not mine anointed..." in an attempt to dissuade an honest heart from seeking the Truth.  That verse is strong, and that verse is absolutely true, but the Lord never intended "the false" to hold the verse up as a shield in order to prevent honest hearts from trying the spirits.

 It is shameful to hijack the Word of God for the cause of carnal men.  The Lord hears those who seek Him and His Truth.  The Lord does not oppose an honest heart that simply wants the Lord's revelation on a matter.  He does not oppose those who fall before Him and say, "Show me Your Truth, Lord, for nothing else will do."  He hears such cries, and He will dispatch His Truth to those humble hearts.  He will.  He Will.

After His Holy Spirit led me to Deuteronomy 32: 11-13 above, His Grace then led me to another verse that specifically addressed an area of my concern that I placed before His Holy altar.

"And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent."  Revelation 12: 14

Although it may not be apparent to the readers, He so utterly nourished me today.  My cries were heard at His Throne of Grace. The content of the verses were so specific to my concerns that I truly exhaled each time His Spirit spoke to mine - a place of rest where only He can be found - not in the nest but in the air - soaring.

He has nourished me during the greatest and most intense battles of my life.

How many times has the enemy sat in the very same sanctuary as I and as others... seeking to destroy.

 How many times do those in the sanctuary lift their glasses and toast with the enemy?  How many times has the enemy preached sermons that had the whole house shouting "Amen!"?
 Is that a disturbing question?  

These are wicked and deceptive times, friends.  We cannot be deceived by the wiles of Satan.  The Bible tells us that Satan, himself, is transformed into a minister of light.  2 Corinthians 11: 14

Ezekiel 22: 26
Ezekiel 13: 3
Jeremiah 7: 8
2 Corinthians 11: 3
2 Corinthians 11: 4
Luke 21: 8
1 Corinthians 6: 9
Deuteronomy 11: 6
Galatians 6: 7
1 John 4: 1
Jude 1: 4

Comfort in the nest is dangerous.

Those who follow the Lord's leading will not be deceived.
Will He call those who follow Him to do that which seems impossible?  Yes. He will.

Will He nourish us in the wilderness? Yes.
Will He keep us from the face of the serpent? Yes.
Can He alone lead us? Yes.

Will we follow . . . If we do, His Grace will take care of us.


JANUARY 28th, 2015
I shared a blog entry recently (above) where the Lord had directly answered a sincere prayer that I placed before Him.  I titled it:  "Eagles: A Matter of Survival."  

 Well, earlier in the week, I was driving home from work and asked the Lord to guide me  and to confirm to me the next step in my walk with Him.  He has been revealing it to me for some time, but I have continually said, "Is that You, Lord?"  

No sooner did I pray that while driving down the road, my eyes looked up and an EAGLE was perched high in a sycamore tree just a few feet in front of my car.  I turned the car around because Satan was all over that:  "There aren't any eagles in Southwest Virginia!!"  

I drove back to look again, and sure enough, it was an EAGLE.  In my 39 years on this earth, I have never seen an EAGLE in the wild (other than a YouTube video of one.)  

WHO, I say, could have placed that majestic eagle in that tree right after I prayed that prayer that specifically dealt with what the Lord showed me days before that moment in the Bible?  I wrote a blog on January 19th titled "Eagles: A Matter of Survival," and the Lord showed me an actual EAGLE  a few feet from my car perched high in a tree on January 26th.  This morning, January 28th, I took a camera with me and traveled back to the same spot in hopes of seeing that Eagle again.  And praise the Lord, it was there!  To God Be ALL the Glory!  

The pictures that I took this morning are below (my camera is not the best).

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Place of a Skull

I typed this a year ago ( to the month), but the Lord has shown me this morning that it must be repeated!  I tell you I can't thank HIM enough for His Truth.  There is hope friends IN Jesus Christ - no matter the mind battle you face.  

January 1, 2014

Gethsemane in the original Greek means "oil-press." The definition of oil press is "an apparatus for pressing oil from seeds, fruits, etc." Jesus was at Gethsemane (oil-press) in deep agony fighting a tremendous battle within His mind.

Luke 22 tells us that He prayed while in agony, all the while sweating great drops of blood. I think of the definition of Gethsemane - oil press. The fleshly mind wanted Him to give in, but His Spirit remained steadfast- as agonizing and as crushing and as pressing a battle as it was, He obeyed through the Spirit. 

Moments later He was betrayed, taken, beaten, and crucified. He was crucified at Golgotha, which in the Greek means place of a SKULL. I think of what is housed in all of our skulls - the mind. Jesus was crucified at the place of a skull. The fleshly mind, the carnal mind, was crucified that day at the place referred to as a skull. Through Him and In Him we can also crucify our carnal and fleshly mind. No matter what temptation you face - No matter what addiction you think you have - No matter how natural it feels to do and to accept what is wrong - Remember that there is Power in the blood of Jesus Christ. 

He rose again three days after the death of His flesh to show us that He overcame sin, and that those who believe/follow/obey Him can also destroy the wicked works of our minds housed within our skulls. Each one of us has his or her own Golgotha - place of a skull. Each one of us is called to carry his or her own cross and follow HIM. Jesus says this.

He tells US this.

Without relying on Him and living IN Christ, we are powerless to do such things. However, when we, on a daily basis, deny ourselves and crucify our flesh by abiding IN Christ, sin can be overcome. His Spirit will teach those who are IN Him how to overcome. Will there be times that we will fall to our knees in Gethsemane and be called to endure the oil-press as well? In other words, will we be called to endure what appears to be impossible to endure? 

Yes, the Bible tells us that the way to eternal life has MUCH affliction. 

Only through HIM can we endure.

Jesus said,
Matthew 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Mark 8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Luke 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Luke 14:27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

Believing in Jesus must include believing and obeying His words. The two cannot be divided. May we bow in prayer to the Lord when the battle we fight appears to be impossible to win. And no matter how much we are crushed by the oil-press, may we remain steadfastly fixed on Him. When the place of the skull attempts to paralyze us with fear, may we carry our crosses and crucify the flesh through the power of Jesus Christ.

I have included a picture of the actual place where Jesus was crucified - Golgotha - place of a skull. A little while ago, I had been thinking about the word Golgotha, and Greg and I actually had a short discussion about it. Later, I was looking up a different word in my Strong's Concordance book. As I searched for the definition of another word, my eye went to the top corner of a page - it read in bold letters - Golgotha.

Oh, how precious His presence is to me.  
Golgotha is named the place of a skull for good reason. It looks like a skull. There is no coincidence here. He is also calling us to crucify our carnal minds. Before the Saviour, it wouldn't have been possible. Now, however, through Jesus, we can. Rely on Him. Every sin can be conquered through abiding in Him.

This morning, January 11, 2015, I found myself crying out to the Lord on such an important issue.  Satan had slithered his way into my thoughts and sought to disrupt my well being IN Christ and on the Truth He has shown me.  Like only Jesus can do,  He so specifically brought me to Golgotha again.  His. Way. Of. Teaching. Is. Remarkable. And. Unmistakable.  

I am humbled by Him.  Years ago, when I was led into my own garden of Gethsemane, the Lord very clearly showed me that I was being called by Him to bear and endure that tremendous time of mental agony.  It was a time where Satan's presence was strong.  Hours, days, and months were spent crying out to the Lord in agony.  Jesus truly showed me what I was being called to do by HIS POWER.  I have only shared one result of that time with one other person, my dear husband.  After this time of tremendous trial, testing, and affliction, something that I still can't fully put into words happened while I was alone in my living room.

What battles ensue when we share a private testimony, but the Lord has confirmed that I should share this:  I sat in my living room, where I had spent so much time that year studying the Word of God and praying, and an event occurred that I had not sought or asked for or even knew to ask for.  As I sat on my couch, the Lord gave me a vision.  I don't know how else to term it other than a vision.  Things happened in that vision that my mind could not have created.  There was a Bible open in the vision, and one by one, letters started lifting off of the Bible page.  Each letter (letters within words on the Bible page) lifted up one by one at precise intervals.  I remember being struck with wonder when watching those letters so rhythmically lifting up into the air.  Each letter lifted up into the air and formed the most awe inspiring whirlwind.  It was a tornado whirlwind of the Word of God (letter by letter) so meticulously spinning that I remember thinking afterwards:   "What . was . that?"  

Within a few days to a week, a series of record breaking tornadoes touched down in America.  When I heard about that in the news, I thought back to, just days before, the vision of the whirlwind that Lord had given me.  

At that time, when the Lord gave me that vision, I was not aware of Acts 2:2.  The idea behind Acts 2:2, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, just wasn't a part of my vocabulary at that time in my walk with the Lord.  

It wasn't until much later that I was aware of the similarities of the rushing mighty wind described in Acts 2:2 and the vision He gave me of the mighty whirlwind of God's Holy Word.

My hope in sharing this blog has everything to do with you staying close to the Lord no matter what comes your way.  Listen intently to HIM, for there are many voices in this world that will attempt to tell you how to handle your Gethsemane moment.  No matter what battles rage in your mind, the LORD is the answer.  He ALONE can deliver you.  Remain faithful to Him.  

 My Gethsemane moment led directly to the crucifixion of an area of my mind where Satan was strongly attempting to destroy me.  It is the carnal mind that Satan wants to control in order to bring our downfall, but the Lord has shown me that HE - Jesus - is stronger than the carnal mind.  He calls us to follow His Spirit.  Through HIM, we can be victorious.  

At the time, I had no idea that the Lord would use that time of agony to bring me closer to Him and the gifts He imparts to those who obey Him.

Stand in the Faith, friends.  And when you have done all, STAND!